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Workforce L&D 2019: Captivate. Motivate. Educate. (BLR) |

Workforce L&D 2019: Captivate. Motivate. Educate. (BLR)

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Date(s) - 11/14/2019 - 11/15/2019
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Renaissance Nashville Hotel


Workforce L&D 2019: Captivate. Motivate. Educate.


November 14-15, 2019 | Nashville, TN

Want to attend HR Comply, Workforce L&D, AND RecruitCon in Fall 2019? Register for the HR World PowerPass and pick and choose your sessions across all 3 conferences. Register Today!

In this years L&D landscape, one thing is absolutely clear: enterprises of all sizes are now considering eLearning as a solution to their budget and productivity- related issues, and they are now more than ever, embracing new learning and training tools. This is why, according to Brandon Hall Group, L&D leaders will allocate future budgets to stay in line with company growth goals.

At Workforce L&D 2019, you’ll learn from the nation’s top learning and employee engagement professionals how to build a superior professional development program that supports business growth, innovation, and workforce retention.

When you attend this leading event, you will:

Access step-by-step guidance on constructing assessment questions for new training curriculum
Learn how to effectively assess your training needs to target exactly where you should invest time and resources to optimize your L&D efforts
Discover research-backed strategies for creating compelling training content that keeps your staff engaged and able to retain your message
Take away proven ROI formulas to help you sell your L&D investment to the C-suite
Hear how other high-performance companies are tackling project management road blocks, aligning SME priorities and closing feedback loops
Determine how to choose the right blended learning/modality framework to deliver formalized learning opportunities and support personal learning paths
Uncover the latest technologies available to support L&D initiatives, from augmented and virtual reality to apps and more!

Preconference Agenda
Wednesday November 13, 2019
Continental Breakfast/Preconference Registration
7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.

Choose from Full- and Half-Day Workshops:

(Full day) FMLA Master Class: Advanced Leave Management Training
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (lunch on your own from Noon – 1:00 p.m.)
This intensive day-long workshop provides substantive instruction on FMLA compliance in light of new and existing regulations, court rulings, and application of this far-reaching law. Through attorney-led instruction, you’ll engage with workshop peers to solve day-to-day challenges concerning intermittent leave, return to work, employee performance, and much more.

You’ll enhance your advanced-practitioner skill set when you attend this satisfaction-guaranteed master class and learn:

How to judge a serious health condition the way judges do, and eliminate disputes about what does and doesn’t constitute it
The latest FMLA revisions, so you don’t risk noncompliance
What recent FMLA court decisions really mean, so you can adjust your policies accordingly
Where FMLA recordkeeping trips up even the savviest human resource managers, and some solutions to avoid similar mistakes
How to tame the intermittent leave and reduced schedule beasts, and put a stop to abuse and fraud
How FMLA, ADA, and workers’ comp laws overlap, so you can avoid violations
And more!

(Full day) Leader as Coach: Leadership Development Training
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (lunch on your own from Noon – 1:00 p.m.)
This engaging, highly experiential course is designed for managers, leaders, and influencers who understand the necessity of superior coaching in today’s business ecosystem where leadership development has become everyone’s responsibility. The curriculum equips participants with immediately-usable skills they can use to cultivate collaborative talent development partnerships; engage in potent, performance-enhancing conversations; and create extraordinary engagement, alignment, productivity and innovation in their teams.

When you attend this action-packed workshop, you will:

Be introduced to a proven, very practical coaching model that can be effectively used throughout your teams and organization
Learn how to initiate and guide high-quality coaching conversations using Bluepoint’s Coaching Power Tools
Participate in real-life exercises that will allow you to hone your conversational coaching skills and receive direct feedback on your personal effectiveness
Understand how to apply the concepts of appreciation, constructive confrontation and accountability to your own leadership practices
Create your own professional development plan that will map out your leadership trajectory and set ambitious but achievable goals
Take away valuable course materials, tools, and a copy of Gregg Thompson’s popular book, The Master Coach

(a.m. only) Employee Handbook Workshop: How to Draft and Revise Employment Policies and Procedures that Align with Current Federal Law
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Is your employee handbook up to date with the latest legal changes? Even if you think it is, you need to make sure your policies don’t unintentionally create a binding contract with employees—one that could jeopardize their “at will” status and open you up to devastating lawsuits. Plus, with the continuing expansion of employee-friendly state and local legislation—not to mention the ever-changing nature of the National Labor Relations Board’s reach—it’s vital to make sure you’re staying on top of it all. This half-day workshop will provide critical information on the latest legal changes to incorporate into your company’s employee handbook.

You’ll learn the practical implication of important new federal updates and best practices for designing, building, and customizing your own employee handbook. We’ll cover:

Important wording to include and what to steer clear of in light of new federal court, legislative, and regulatory developments and national employment trends
Suggested policy language to include for 2020 concerning hot topics such as:
Drug testing/use/zero-tolerance policies
Internal hiring/antinepotism
Harassment prevention and antiretaliation, including compliant procedures for reporting
Reasonable accommodation requests due to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-protected disabilities
Pregnancy-based accommodations
Hiring practices
Social media usage and confidentiality
Varied forms of paid and unpaid leave (e.g., paid sick and family and medical leave)
Parental/bonding leave (distinct from maternity/pregnancy leave)
Premium pay/use of time off during holiday periods
Treatment of accrued leave on termination (payout/forfeit/accrual cap)
Fragrances and allergens in the workplace
Discipline (to allow you, as the employer, the most flexibility)
Absenteeism/job abandonment/no-call, no-show
Employee travel/compensation for travel time
Inclement weather/business disruptions
Telecommuting, remote work, and flexible work arrangements
BYOD/mobile device privacy
Cybersecurity/data breach response
Workplace violence
How to use your employee handbook as an effective tool in defending your organization against costly lawsuits
Best practices for distributing, storing, updating, and disposing of outdated versions of your employee handbook

(a.m. only) Workplace Investigations: Your Action Plan for Probing Complaints, Interviewing Witnesses, Reaching Reasoned Conclusions, and Taking Action
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
HR is legally required to thoroughly investigate every complaint of unlawful or potentially unlawful conduct that crosses your desk, even when it seems without merit. You want to investigate in a timely manner and limit your liability for keeping a guilty party on the payroll. If you act too quickly, though, you run the risk of cutting some key corners. The secret to conducting a successful inquiry is to get your complete investigation plan in place before the complaint ever hits your desk—because, as you well know, in HR, it’s never a question of if, but when. This preconference workshop will bring you up to speed on how to conduct efficient, effective, legally compliant workplace investigations.

You’ll learn:

What to do first when an employee comes to you with a complaint or allegation
How to handle those common requests for “complete confidentiality” and “I don’t want you to do anything about this, but …”
How to separate a complainant and the alleged wrongdoer without inviting retaliation claims (from either side)
Interviewing tips to help you get to the truth
Strategies for resolving those “he said, she said” situations
What you should and shouldn’t do before the investigation is concluded
When you should consider bringing in an outside investigator
What to do after the investigation is over to minimize your legal risks under federal laws

(p.m. only) Wage and Hour Audits: Find and Fix Your Biggest—And Most Costly—Trouble Spots Before the Feds Do
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Where do we stand on overtime? The Department of Labor (DOL) is diving back into the job of modernizing and streamlining the overtime exemption rules. After a court invalidated Obama-era proposed regulatory changes in 2016, all eyes have been on the DOL to see whether it will follow through with establishing a new salary level that would align with modern-day job duties, wages, and salaries. Currently, there’s buzz that a new threshold of about $35,000 is on the likely horizon.

Now is the time to get up to speed on the steps to take to ensure that your exemption classifications will pass muster under the new rules. This includes reviewing job duties against job descriptions, as well as compensation paid, to determine whether currently classified exempt employees will still be exempt under the new rules. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg because the DOL’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) recently jacked up the penalty for repeat or willful Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) minimum wage and overtime violations to $2,014 per violation. Since wage and hour compliance runs the gamut from overtime exemptions to travel pay, on-call time, and more, it’s important for employers to get up to speed on the latest regulatory and enforcement updates so they can minimize the risk of costly civil penalties.

During this intensive workshop, you’ll learn how to:

Analyze job descriptions and duties to tell if positions are really exempt from overtime under current and anticipated federal DOL regulations.
Reclassify jobs as nonexempt or exempt in a way that minimizes potential legal risks and maximizes savings.
Calculate travel, waiting time, and on-call pay to ensure full FLSA compliance.
Establish and enforce legally compliant wage and hour policies.
Avoid WHD enforcement actions, which could result in financially devastating civil penalties.
And much more!

(p.m. only) Sourcing and Interviewing Do’s and Don’ts: Tactics to Identify Ideal Candidates While Avoiding Legal Pitfalls
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Facebook provides a tool that allows companies to filter out certain demographics when advertising open jobs. For instance, The New York Times reported that Verizon, when recruiting for financial planning and analysis positions, recently ran a promotion targeting Facebook feeds for users between the ages of 25 and 36 who lived within a specified region. The Times reported that hundreds of millions of Facebook users, many of whom are likely over the age of 40, weren’t aware the ad existed because it hadn’t been delivered to them. The article noted, too, that companies like UPS, Target, and State Farm all have targeted their recruitment ads as part of a comprehensive recruitment strategy to cast a net across all ages. But do such practices run afoul of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)? Your company could be at considerable risk for high-priced jury verdicts and settlements in the event you’re sued for these or other allegedly discriminatory sourcing practices. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg because there are a host of legal issues that could arise once you call in a candidate to interview. You must make sure you are asking the right questions to ensure that you are abiding by applicable legal requirements and that every candidate is given a fair and equal opportunity while also steering clear of questioning that oversteps and violates job candidates’ rights under the ADEA, the ADA, and other federal laws concerning equal pay and more. During this intensive workshop, you’ll learn:

Legal ways to source and interview job candidates
What questions you can and cannot ask
Which of your current sourcing practices may be exposing your company to legal risks
The do’s and don’ts of sourcing and interviewing through role-playing exercises and mock interviews designed to highlight legal pitfalls to avoid
Main Agenda
Thursday & Friday November 14-15, 2019
Pre-Conference Workshop (includes two 15-minute and one 1-hour lunch break)

Continental Breakfast/Preconference Registration
7:30-8:30 a.m.

(Full day) Leader as Coach: Leadership Development Training
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (lunch on your own from Noon–1:00 p.m.)
This engaging, highly experiential course is designed for managers, leaders, and influencers who understand the necessity of superior coaching in today’s business ecosystem where leadership development has become everyone’s responsibility. The curriculum equips participants with immediately-usable skills they can use to cultivate collaborative talent development partnerships; engage in potent, performance-enhancing conversations; and create extraordinary engagement, alignment, productivity and innovation in their teams.

When you attend this action-packed workshop, you will:

Be introduced to a proven, very practical coaching model that can be effectively used throughout your teams and organization
Learn how to initiate and guide high-quality coaching conversations using Bluepoint’s Coaching Power Tools
Participate in real-life exercises that will allow you to hone your conversational coaching skills and receive direct feedback on your personal effectiveness
Understand how to apply the concepts of appreciation, constructive confrontation and accountability to your own leadership practices
Create your own professional development plan that will map out your leadership trajectory and set ambitious but achievable goals
Take away valuable course materials, tools, and a copy of Gregg Thompson’s popular book, The Master Coach

Day 1 Main Conference Thursday, November 14, 2019
Registration & Breakfast
7:00 a.m. to 7:55 a.m.

Welcome Remarks
7:55 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.

What if Everything You Know about Personality Styles Training Is Wrong?
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Presented by: Merrick Rosenberg, CEO & Cofounder, Take Flight Learning
The DISC profile is one the most commonly used assessment tools in corporations around the world. And yet, while people find it interesting, if there is one thing that people like to learn about, it is themselves – awareness does not often translate into sustained behavioral change. It’s time to rethink how we teach the styles in the workplace, and this highly interactive and engaging kickoff session will reveal:

Why this is the perfect time to introduce or reintroduce DISC training to your organization
Turning classroom-based DISC training into a fun and engaging experience
Transforming DISC training into a process not an event by reinforcing the learning throughout the year
Refocusing DISC training from awareness to results
Repackaging the styles to shift from empty letters to metaphoric symbols
Revitalizing training to involve the participants
Reallocating time from profiles and graphs to skills and application
Rebranding the message to shift from learning about letters to learning skills and applying principles

Learning Trends Talks
9:05 a.m. – 10:25 a.m.

LXP vs. LMS: Are You Ready to Evolve Your eLearning?
9:05 a.m. – 9:25 a.m.
Learning experience platforms (LXPs) are gaining popularity in the corporate learning space. But, in what ways are they poised to enhance or replace today’s learning management systems (LMSs)? Our Workforce L&D Trends Talks segment kicks off by examining the benefits and optimal use cases for LXPs to compliment or, in some cases, replace LMS.

Cyber Security Training Schedules and Delivery Methods
9:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
How often should you train the workforce on what they can do to mitigate or altogether prevent cybersecurity risks? Does your workplace culture foster or hinder your efforts to keep sensitive and confidential data safe and secure—and how can you tell? What are the most effective training methods for thwart cybersecurity risks right now? And, what “bad behaviors” is your workforce engaging in that could be putting your company at grave risk for a cybersecurity attack? This talk will answer these questions and more.

‘Selling’ Training as an Employee Benefit to Boost Recruiting and Retention
9:50 a.m. – 10:05 a.m.
Professional development opportunities position employees to contribute to your underlying mission in more meaningful ways, and they can be a tremendous asset in fostering a healthy recruiting and retention strategy. This talk will reveal how to develop and communicate a strong message through which current and potential employees will better understand and truly appreciate the overall benefit your training-related programs can provide for them.

5 Real-Life Examples of How L&D Can Be Used to Support Organizational Agility
10:10 am. – 10:25 a.m.
The organizational structures of yesteryear focused on who does what. That is, each team had a mission and it was up to L&D to determine which functions employees needed to be trained on and then to build training to assist them in meeting those goals. But, nowadays, it’s a different story: Organizational charts are, in some cases, going way, and business priorities are shifting, often a few times a year. Also, with the rise of gig and contingent employment, real-time developments in talent and performance management require real-time L&D responsiveness. But, how can you ensure that your L&D efforts provide the necessary resources to develop skills when they’re needed? And, how can you use your L&D to help measure performance? This Trends Talk will provide real-life success stories of L&D agility to demonstrate how training can appropriately support talent management in today’s everchanging business world.

Networking, Refreshments & Exhibit Break

10:25 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.

Onboarding: Building an Employee Experience Designed to Train, Engage, and Retain Straight Out of the Hiring Gate
10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
A quarter of new hires leave within the first 90 days of employment. That’s a hard fact to accept since the cost to recruit, hire, and train that a new hire’s replacement can cost as much as nine months of that workers’ salary. Onboarding is one of the most important touchpoints in your training arsenal because it presents immense opportunities not only to train new talent on policies and procedures; it’s a way to indoctrinate them into your workplace culture and as a productive and valued member of your talent team straight out of the hiring gate. To nail employee engagement and achieve healthy retention rates (not to mention customer retention)—it’s critical to invest in your onboarding experience, and this session will show you how to:

Foster learning from day 1 and provide newly hired workers with a yearlong onboarding experience that will knock their socks off
Determine which training assessments to provide each and every new hire with
Strengthen new hires’ productivity, collaboration, job satisfaction, and overall performance and engagement well beyond their probationary period

Networking Lunch (Provided) & Exhibits
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Management Training to Foster Civility and Respect—and Banish Cultural Negativity
1:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
This session will provide a framework for training your supervisors and managers to address negatively, incivility, and disrespect in a way that reaps favorable cultural results. You’ll learn what frontline managers should do to manage their teams, so they can resolve day-to-day conflicts, potentially violent outbursts, and otherwise damaging and negative behaviors in a constructive and proactive way. You’ll gain a comprehensive roadmap for delivering preventative training so managers are well poised to address conflicts and incivility before they snowball out of control. And, you’ll learn how to train supervisors and managers on what to be on the lookout for in cases where employee’s arguments, rants, violent outbursts, or otherwise disruptive behaviors should be escalated to HR, so you can avoid claims stemming from alleged harassment, bullying, or workplace violence.

Networking, Refreshments & Exhibit Break
2:15 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Learning Style Inventories: A Leading Strategy to Discern Your Adult Learners’ Preferences
2:30 – 3:45 p.m.
Learning style inventories are designed to help figure out the type of learning style to which a particular learner best responds. Once you crack the learning-style code, you’ll be in a far better position to design instruction based on that given learning style, which, in turn, will enhance the corporate learning process in general. This session will explore various types of learning style inventories (LSIs), including Kolb’s LSI and other relevant LSIs, to provide you with a roadmap so you can develop learning frameworks best suited for your workforce’s learning preferences.

Human-Centered Design: How to Put Your Employees’ Learning Needs First and Still Obtain Business Success
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Business-centered training design (BCD) generally focuses on what’s most cost-effective and most convenient for the organization. But, human-centered design (HCD) can be more beneficial in helping organizations reach their end goals, such as improved employee performance, better customer satisfaction and retention, and more but with focus on the learning process as well as on training results. This session will teach you:

What HDC is and what it is not
Real-world examples of empathy, ideation, and personalization that work
How to evaluate what talent and technology needs to be in place before you can roll out an HCD strategy
How varied training modalities—such as face-to-face, self-paced eLearning, and synchronous training methods—fit into HCD

Day 2 Main Conference, Friday November 15, 2019
7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.

Breakfast & Learn

7:30 a.m. – 7:45 a.m.
Learn how HRHero.com can help you achieve training success!

Opening Keynote—Leadership
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Measuring Mentorship Program Success: How to Ensure That Your Program Aligns with Business and Leadership Development Goals
9:15 am. – 10:30 a.m.
Organizations that utilize mentors position their workforce for more success. For instance, mentees are better positioned to receive critical professional development training that translates into improved engagement and retention in many cases, especially for high-potential employees. And, for the mentors, they’re bolstering their leadership skills. But, having a mentoring program in place is only part of the L&D pie. Organizations must be able to objectively measure whether their mentoring program helps them achieve their business and learning goals. This session will examine how companies can evaluate the ways in which their mentoring program(s) could be improved to ensure that learning goals are really being reached.

Networking, Refreshment & Exhibit Break
10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.

Digital and Mobile Content: Today’s Frontier for Delivering Cost-effective, Convenient e-Learning Solutions
10:45 a.m. – 11:45 p.m.

What are the latest trends at the intersection of learning and technology? And which tools and products are proving to be the most effective for addressing the workplace of today’s top e-learning challenges? This session will take a deep dive into how some of the newest and most popular technologies, such as microlearning, blended learning, and extended reality, can be used to improve e-Learning.

Networking Lunch (Provided) & Exhibits
11:45 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Making Virtual Classroom Learning Relevant: How to Effectively Use Scenario-Based Learning to Boost Engagement and Message Retention
12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Adult learning principles state that adults learn best when content is relevant. So, why do most virtual classroom lessons rely on lectures and slides? One of the most effective ways to ensure learning sticks is by getting learners involved—and scenario-based learning design does just that! And, this session will show you how. You’ll learn how to:

Design 3 types of scenario-based activities in the virtual classroom: problem-based learning, predictive learning, and play-based learning
Discover ideas for producing appropriate scenarios that resonate with your learners in the virtual classroom
Appreciate the role scenario-based learning plays in today’s modern workplace learning
Use scenario-based learning to support adult learning theory
Implement 3 types of scenario-based learning in the virtual classroom
Construct scenario-based learning in 7 steps (and you’ll get to see the scenarios in action)

Networking, Refreshments & Exhibit Break
1:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Breaking Down Business Silos: Cross Training and Other L&D Necessities for Fostering Cross-Functional Collaboration and Maximizing Business Success
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
It seems like very organization is on a quest to break down silos that segregate job functions and roles and can often squander the opportunity for collaboration and innovation. But, deconstructing longstanding organizational silos isn’t easy. It requires identifying what it is you want out of your cross-functional teams and getting executive leadership’s buy-in. Workforce L&D 2019 closes with an energetic talk on how cross-functional training and the development of multi-functional teams can be used to increase collaboration, engagement, and at all levels of your organization. You’ll learn:

Mistakes companies continuously make when trying to disassemble silos
Examples of multi-functional team structures and cross-training opportunities that really work
The C-suite and HR’s role in breaking down restrictive organizational silos that could be hampering your L&D and performance management strategies
How integrated task-management systems can help foster creativity and contributions to new projects and processes from the get-go

Wrap-up Announcements & Conference adjourns
3:00 p.m.

Main Agenda
Thursday & Friday November 14-15, 2019
Pre-Conference Workshop (includes two 15-minute and one 1-hour lunch break)

Continental Breakfast/Preconference Registration
7:30-8:30 a.m.

(Full day) Leader as Coach: Leadership Development Training
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (lunch on your own from Noon–1:00 p.m.)
This engaging, highly experiential course is designed for managers, leaders, and influencers who understand the necessity of superior coaching in today’s business ecosystem where leadership development has become everyone’s responsibility. The curriculum equips participants with immediately-usable skills they can use to cultivate collaborative talent development partnerships; engage in potent, performance-enhancing conversations; and create extraordinary engagement, alignment, productivity and innovation in their teams.

When you attend this action-packed workshop, you will:

Be introduced to a proven, very practical coaching model that can be effectively used throughout your teams and organization
Learn how to initiate and guide high-quality coaching conversations using Bluepoint’s Coaching Power Tools
Participate in real-life exercises that will allow you to hone your conversational coaching skills and receive direct feedback on your personal effectiveness
Understand how to apply the concepts of appreciation, constructive confrontation and accountability to your own leadership practices
Create your own professional development plan that will map out your leadership trajectory and set ambitious but achievable goals
Take away valuable course materials, tools, and a copy of Gregg Thompson’s popular book, The Master Coach

Day 1 Main Conference Thursday, November 14, 2019
Registration & Breakfast
7:00 a.m. to 7:55 a.m.

Welcome Remarks
7:55 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.

What if Everything You Know about Personality Styles Training Is Wrong?
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Presented by: Merrick Rosenberg, CEO & Cofounder, Take Flight Learning
The DISC profile is one the most commonly used assessment tools in corporations around the world. And yet, while people find it interesting, if there is one thing that people like to learn about, it is themselves – awareness does not often translate into sustained behavioral change. It’s time to rethink how we teach the styles in the workplace, and this highly interactive and engaging kickoff session will reveal:

Why this is the perfect time to introduce or reintroduce DISC training to your organization
Turning classroom-based DISC training into a fun and engaging experience
Transforming DISC training into a process not an event by reinforcing the learning throughout the year
Refocusing DISC training from awareness to results
Repackaging the styles to shift from empty letters to metaphoric symbols
Revitalizing training to involve the participants
Reallocating time from profiles and graphs to skills and application
Rebranding the message to shift from learning about letters to learning skills and applying principles

Learning Trends Talks
9:05 a.m. – 10:25 a.m.

LXP vs. LMS: Are You Ready to Evolve Your eLearning?
9:05 a.m. – 9:25 a.m.
Learning experience platforms (LXPs) are gaining popularity in the corporate learning space. But, in what ways are they poised to enhance or replace today’s learning management systems (LMSs)? Our Workforce L&D Trends Talks segment kicks off by examining the benefits and optimal use cases for LXPs to compliment or, in some cases, replace LMS.

Cyber Security Training Schedules and Delivery Methods
9:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
How often should you train the workforce on what they can do to mitigate or altogether prevent cybersecurity risks? Does your workplace culture foster or hinder your efforts to keep sensitive and confidential data safe and secure—and how can you tell? What are the most effective training methods for thwart cybersecurity risks right now? And, what “bad behaviors” is your workforce engaging in that could be putting your company at grave risk for a cybersecurity attack? This talk will answer these questions and more.

‘Selling’ Training as an Employee Benefit to Boost Recruiting and Retention
9:50 a.m. – 10:05 a.m.
Professional development opportunities position employees to contribute to your underlying mission in more meaningful ways, and they can be a tremendous asset in fostering a healthy recruiting and retention strategy. This talk will reveal how to develop and communicate a strong message through which current and potential employees will better understand and truly appreciate the overall benefit your training-related programs can provide for them.

5 Real-Life Examples of How L&D Can Be Used to Support Organizational Agility
10:10 am. – 10:25 a.m.
The organizational structures of yesteryear focused on who does what. That is, each team had a mission and it was up to L&D to determine which functions employees needed to be trained on and then to build training to assist them in meeting those goals. But, nowadays, it’s a different story: Organizational charts are, in some cases, going way, and business priorities are shifting, often a few times a year. Also, with the rise of gig and contingent employment, real-time developments in talent and performance management require real-time L&D responsiveness. But, how can you ensure that your L&D efforts provide the necessary resources to develop skills when they’re needed? And, how can you use your L&D to help measure performance? This Trends Talk will provide real-life success stories of L&D agility to demonstrate how training can appropriately support talent management in today’s everchanging business world.

Networking, Refreshments & Exhibit Break
10:25 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.

Onboarding: Building an Employee Experience Designed to Train, Engage, and Retain Straight Out of the Hiring Gate
10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
A quarter of new hires leave within the first 90 days of employment. That’s a hard fact to accept since the cost to recruit, hire, and train that a new hire’s replacement can cost as much as nine months of that workers’ salary. Onboarding is one of the most important touchpoints in your training arsenal because it presents immense opportunities not only to train new talent on policies and procedures; it’s a way to indoctrinate them into your workplace culture and as a productive and valued member of your talent team straight out of the hiring gate. To nail employee engagement and achieve healthy retention rates (not to mention customer retention)—it’s critical to invest in your onboarding experience, and this session will show you how to:

Foster learning from day 1 and provide newly hired workers with a yearlong onboarding experience that will knock their socks off
Determine which training assessments to provide each and every new hire with
Strengthen new hires’ productivity, collaboration, job satisfaction, and overall performance and engagement well beyond their probationary period

Networking Lunch (Provided) & Exhibits
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Management Training to Foster Civility and Respect—and Banish Cultural Negativity
1:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
This session will provide a framework for training your supervisors and managers to address negatively, incivility, and disrespect in a way that reaps favorable cultural results. You’ll learn what frontline managers should do to manage their teams, so they can resolve day-to-day conflicts, potentially violent outbursts, and otherwise damaging and negative behaviors in a constructive and proactive way. You’ll gain a comprehensive roadmap for delivering preventative training so managers are well poised to address conflicts and incivility before they snowball out of control. And, you’ll learn how to train supervisors and managers on what to be on the lookout for in cases where employee’s arguments, rants, violent outbursts, or otherwise disruptive behaviors should be escalated to HR, so you can avoid claims stemming from alleged harassment, bullying, or workplace violence.

Networking, Refreshments & Exhibit Break
2:15 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Learning Style Inventories: A Leading Strategy to Discern Your Adult Learners’ Preferences
2:30 – 3:45 p.m.
Learning style inventories are designed to help figure out the type of learning style to which a particular learner best responds. Once you crack the learning-style code, you’ll be in a far better position to design instruction based on that given learning style, which, in turn, will enhance the corporate learning process in general. This session will explore various types of learning style inventories (LSIs), including Kolb’s LSI and other relevant LSIs, to provide you with a roadmap so you can develop learning frameworks best suited for your workforce’s learning preferences.

Human-Centered Design: How to Put Your Employees’ Learning Needs First and Still Obtain Business Success
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Business-centered training design (BCD) generally focuses on what’s most cost-effective and most convenient for the organization. But, human-centered design (HCD) can be more beneficial in helping organizations reach their end goals, such as improved employee performance, better customer satisfaction and retention, and more but with focus on the learning process as well as on training results. This session will teach you:

What HDC is and what it is not
Real-world examples of empathy, ideation, and personalization that work
How to evaluate what talent and technology needs to be in place before you can roll out an HCD strategy
How varied training modalities—such as face-to-face, self-paced eLearning, and synchronous training methods—fit into HCD

Day 2 Main Conference, Friday November 15, 2019
7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.

Breakfast & Learn

7:30 a.m. – 7:45 a.m.
Learn how HRHero.com can help you achieve training success!

Opening Keynote—Leadership
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Measuring Mentorship Program Success: How to Ensure That Your Program Aligns with Business and Leadership Development Goals
9:15 am. – 10:30 a.m.
Organizations that utilize mentors position their workforce for more success. For instance, mentees are better positioned to receive critical professional development training that translates into improved engagement and retention in many cases, especially for high-potential employees. And, for the mentors, they’re bolstering their leadership skills. But, having a mentoring program in place is only part of the L&D pie. Organizations must be able to objectively measure whether their mentoring program helps them achieve their business and learning goals. This session will examine how companies can evaluate the ways in which their mentoring program(s) could be improved to ensure that learning goals are really being reached.

Networking, Refreshment & Exhibit Break
10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.

Digital and Mobile Content: Today’s Frontier for Delivering Cost-effective, Convenient e-Learning Solutions
10:45 a.m. – 11:45 p.m.

What are the latest trends at the intersection of learning and technology? And which tools and products are proving to be the most effective for addressing the workplace of today’s top e-learning challenges? This session will take a deep dive into how some of the newest and most popular technologies, such as microlearning, blended learning, and extended reality, can be used to improve e-Learning.

Networking Lunch (Provided) & Exhibits
11:45 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Making Virtual Classroom Learning Relevant: How to Effectively Use Scenario-Based Learning to Boost Engagement and Message Retention
12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Adult learning principles state that adults learn best when content is relevant. So, why do most virtual classroom lessons rely on lectures and slides? One of the most effective ways to ensure learning sticks is by getting learners involved—and scenario-based learning design does just that! And, this session will show you how. You’ll learn how to:

Design 3 types of scenario-based activities in the virtual classroom: problem-based learning, predictive learning, and play-based learning
Discover ideas for producing appropriate scenarios that resonate with your learners in the virtual classroom
Appreciate the role scenario-based learning plays in today’s modern workplace learning
Use scenario-based learning to support adult learning theory
Implement 3 types of scenario-based learning in the virtual classroom
Construct scenario-based learning in 7 steps (and you’ll get to see the scenarios in action)

Networking, Refreshments & Exhibit Break
1:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Breaking Down Business Silos: Cross Training and Other L&D Necessities for Fostering Cross-Functional Collaboration and Maximizing Business Success
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
It seems like very organization is on a quest to break down silos that segregate job functions and roles and can often squander the opportunity for collaboration and innovation. But, deconstructing longstanding organizational silos isn’t easy. It requires identifying what it is you want out of your cross-functional teams and getting executive leadership’s buy-in. Workforce L&D 2019 closes with an energetic talk on how cross-functional training and the development of multi-functional teams can be used to increase collaboration, engagement, and at all levels of your organization. You’ll learn:

Mistakes companies continuously make when trying to disassemble silos
Examples of multi-functional team structures and cross-training opportunities that really work
The C-suite and HR’s role in breaking down restrictive organizational silos that could be hampering your L&D and performance management strategies
How integrated task-management systems can help foster creativity and contributions to new projects and processes from the get-go

Wrap-up Announcements & Conference adjourns
3:00 p.m.

*Agenda subject to change.

Your Conference PresentersChelsea Brookes
Chelsea Brookes
Director, eLearning
Simplify Training, a Simplify Compliance brand

Chelsea Brookes, director of eLearning for Simiplify Training, oversees instructional design and production of online training curriculum for Simplify Compliance. With a focus on blended-learning techniques and incorporating various mediums of training into cohesive packages, Brookes works on customer-facing products that are designed to improve organization’s internal training practices.

Tess Fyalka
Tess Fyalka
Director, Employee Development & Engagement
O’Shea Builders

Tess Fyalka is Director of Employee Development & Engagement for O’Shea Builders where she serves as an internal coach and directs O’Shea’s employee development programs. She also oversees and delivers training programs for “O’Shea University.” Prior to joining O’Shea, she spent 14 years as an independent consultant. And before transitioning into employee and organizational development, Tess worked in marketing and public relations for three large organizations. She has written more than 2,000 articles, white papers, blogs, and chapters in books on topics related to management and leadership. She is trained in coaching and facilitation and is an Organization Development Certified Professional, a Leadership Circle Certified Practitioner, a Crucial Conversations Certified Trainer, and a Conversational Intelligence Enhanced Practitioner.

Joan Goodwin
Joan Goodwin, MSOD
Specialist Leader | Performance Management Practice
Deloitte Consulting LLP

Joan Goodwin is the Performance Management (PM) Practice Lead for Deloitte’s Human Capital practice in the United States. She has over 25 years of culture change, performance management and talent strategies consulting experience serving clients that include Fortune 500 organizations in multiple industries including technology, financial services inclusive of investment banking, manufacturing, biotech, life sciences, healthcare, oil and gas, and sports performance retailers. Throughout her career, Goodwin has advised business and HR leaders on some of their most challenging workforce issues including culture transformation, performance management, leadership development and aligning Talent Strategies to business results. She has led global performance management redesigns from business case through implementation resulting in practical and sustainable solutions. Her leadership role encompasses the development of new performance management service solutions and leading practices, new methodologies and vendor selection for next gen PM software vendors to enable ongoing continuous performance and development experiences for the workforce.

Edward E. Hubbard, Ph.D.
Edward E. Hubbard, Ph.D.
President and CEO
Hubbard & Hubbard, Inc.

Edward Hubbard, Ph.D., President of Hubbard & Hubbard, Inc. specializes in techniques for applied business performance improvement, Diversity Return on Investment (DROI®) measurement and analytics, instructional design, and strategic organizational development. He is an expert in organizational behavior, organizational analysis, applied performance improvement and ROI measurement strategies, strategic planning, diversity measurement and analytics, and strategic organizational change methodologies. He holds a Practitioner Certification and Master Practitioner Certification in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), a Ph.D. in Business Administration, and is the author of more than 45 books. Dr. Hubbard was awarded the 2017 Distinguished Alumni Award from The Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences. This award recognizes an alumnus who has demonstrated distinctive achievements in a career.

Myra Hubbard, Ph.D.
Myra Hubbard, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President
Hubbard & Hubbard, Inc.

Myra Hubbard, Ph.D., Executive Vice President of Hubbard & Hubbard, Inc., has many years of successful experience providing consultation to executives, work groups, and organizations. Her consulting engagements support managers, teams and organizations to become more inclusive, improve performance and increase productivity. She specializes in Organizational Behavior, Organizational Analysis, Employee and Business Resource Group Performance Improvement and Measurement Strategies, Diversity Measurement, Team Building and Organizational Change Methodologies. Her emphasis is on practical “how-to” approaches directly related to organizational goals and the empowerment of employees. Some of her books include “Measuring the ROI Impact of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and Business Resource Groups (BRGs): Ensuring Employee Resource Group Initiatives Drive Business and Organizational Results, Experience Leaves Clues: 7 Keys to Self-Empowerment, and Assertiveness and Self-Confidence. She holds a Bachelors degree in Business and Psychology, a Masters degree in Counseling, a Practitioner Certification and Master Practitioner Certification in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), a neuroscience discipline and earned a Ph.D. in Business

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